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Dominican Republic: Georges

The hurricane Georges passed the Dominican Republic in september '98. Here some air views and pictures of the capital at the time of the hurricane.

Click the following pictures to enlarge them!
Georges malecón This is what the Malecón (sea-boulevard) looked like at the time of Georges. Georges obelisco Another picture of the Malecón during Georges, at the Obelisk.
Georges Satélite 1 Satellite photo of the 21th of september 1998 21.15 hour. Georges Satélite 2 Satellite photo of the 23rd of september 1998 08.46 hour.
Georges Satélite 3 Another satellite photo. After Georges A street in the capital one day after Georges.
After Georges 2 Say goodbye to your car. After Georges 3 Another mess after Georges.

 Dominican Republic: Catastrophes   
 Earthquake Haiti   Tropical storm Olga   Tropical storm Noel   Hurricane Jeanne   The rains may 2004   Tropical storm Odette   Air crash 2001   Hurricane Georges 